If you have lost a loved one, please be assured of our immediate and ongoing prayers for you, and for your family and friends, at this time of grief and loss. We are here for each other along life’s way.
We conduct funerals services in church and in crematoria chapels. Undertakers are usually the first point of contact in beginning to arrange a funeral service in church or in a crematorium chapel. If you have just lost a loved one, please be assured that our prayers are with you.
We hold an annual memorial service to which we invite the family members and friends of those who have recently died. During the service we read out the names of those who have recently died and hold them and their families and friends in prayer. The service includes hymns, songs, music, readings, prayer, space for reflection and the lighting of candles.
We have a memorial book at St James’ in which families and friends can have inscribed the names of loved ones who have died. We pray week by week for those whose names are inscribed in our memorial book, as their anniversary of death comes around.
Our Prayers are With You
A prayer for those who are bereaved
Almighty God,
giver of comfort and source of peace,
deal graciously, we pray, with those who mourn,
that, casting all their care on you.
they may know the consolation of your love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A prayer for those who have died
God of mercy, Lord of life,
you have made us in your image
to reflect your truth and light;
we give you thanks for our loved one,
for the grace and mercy in her / his life,
and for the memories which we treasure this day
and hold before you in our hearts. Amen.
Liturgical prayer taken from Common Worship Pastoral Services, the copyright for which belongs to The Archbishops’ Council 2000
Contact Us
If you would like further information about a funeral service, or to chat pastorally following a bereavement, please contact the Vicar, Rev’d Julia Babb.