This Sunday, Second Sunday of Epiphany, 19/01/25
Next Sunday, Third Sunday of Epiphany
26 January 10am Eucharist
26 January 3pm Online Worship
Readings Nehemiah 8:1-3,5-6,8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a, Luke 4:14-21
Looking Ahead
Sunday 19 January, 11.45am, Baptism for Wilfred Fox
At St James’ we are fully committed to creating a safe environment for all children, young people, and adults with whom we have contact. To this end we have adopted the Diocese of Lichfield Safeguarding Policy and follow all Church of England guidelines. Safeguarding, creating, and maintaining, a safe environment for all, is the responsibility of all of us. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Mr Tony Shilkoff, who can be contacted on 07783 796381. Please contact Mr Shilkoff if you have questions or concerns.
Midweek Eucharist
The midweek Eucharist is at 10am on Wednesday morning. All are welcome.
Place of Welcome
Place of Welcome runs between 10.30am and 12.30pm on Wednesday morning. Please do come along!
St James’ Singers
St James’ Singers are currently taking a winter break. People of all singing ability and experience are welcome to join the Singers. If you would like to join the Singers, or would like more information, please contact Sharon Swain (
Jimmy’s Ark
Jimmy’s Ark will next meet at 3pm on Sunday 9 February. Please do come along, and invite others too, to share craft, song, Bible story and refreshments.
Newcastle Foodbank
Please do continue to support the Foodbank. Current need is for tea, coffee, long life milk, cold / tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, custard, cereal, jam, noodles, soup. Toiletry and household items are also gratefully received, as are monetary donations. Thank you for supporting the Foodbank.
Stations of the Resurrection Project / Magazines
The second session of the Stations of the Resurrection Project which will be on Sunday 16 February. On Sunday 16 February there will be a short said Eucharist at 10am and the second session will run from 10.30am with the artist Ian Mood. There will be refreshments, and we will turn our thoughts about the theme of hope and new life in the first session, on Sunday 12 January, into collage work with Ian. It promises to be a really interesting and interactive session. Please do take part if you are able to.
Prayer List
Please let Julia know if you would like to add someone to the prayer list. Data protection (GDPR) means that we can only add someone to the prayer list if they have given their permission. Thank you.
For Your Prayers
Those who are ill
Paddy Brookes, Sheila Buttle, Sean Clarke, Stevan Davies, Jean Edwards, Alan Higgins, Mandy Inskip, Peter Jones, Maureen Knighton, Julia Leigh, Michael Mendolia, Jon Newman, Dorothy Ogunmekan, Mary Peake, Suxiang Qu, Glynis Reynolds, Lore Robinson, Joyce Thrasher, Louise Waller, Sheila Wilson.